
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Gatsby Embodies West Egg Essay

In the novel, â€Å"The Great Gatsby†, Scott Fitzgerald uses various literary devices such as theme, irony, and characterization to embody Gatsby with West Egg characteristics. The Great Gatsby is set in New York and on Long Island, in two areas known as West Egg and East Egg. The narrator, Nick, describes West Egg as the home to the â€Å"new rich,† those who, having made their fortunes recently, have neither the social connections nor the refinement to move among the East Egg set. West Egg is characterized by lavish displays of wealth and garish poor taste. Both locations can be seen generally as: established aristocracy for East Egg and the self-made rich in West Egg. Therefore, there’s definitely a discrepancy between the two places. Gatsby, one of the protagonists of the novel, lives in a huge mansion in West Egg and is an urbane man. He hosts parties every night which are full of fun and action, he seems like a man that exhilarates people to have fun. Gatsby embodies the characteristics of West Egg as he, at least until chapter 5, has made himself rich. In chapter 5 Gatsby clarifies that he did inherit his money from his family who bequeathed it to him, however he â€Å"lost most of it in the big panic- the panic of the war† (Fitzgerald 87). Therefore he got involved in the drug business and oil business to make money again, which he is no longer involved in. This is one way Gatsby embodies West Egg as he made himself rich by working in these 2 businesses. It is clear that Gatsby is wealthy as he owns an enormous house with â€Å"a swim pool, beach, vast garden, fancy parties and marble everywhere† (Fitzgerald 11). This portrays one of the themes in the novel, the clash between â€Å"old money† and â€Å"new money†, that manifests itself in the novel’s symbolic geography: East Egg and West Egg. Gatsby would be considered the â€Å"new money†, while people such as Tom, which come from a wealthy family, is the â€Å"old money†. This is a pivotal theme throughout the novel as it affects various aspects of characters and setting. This also relates to how the discrepancy between West Egg and East Egg affects the characterization of certain characters. Gatsby is characterized as a man that is wealthy and loves to share his â€Å"happiness† with others by hosting numerous parties which are full of expensive drinks such as â€Å"Chartreuse† (Fitzgerald 88) held in his luxurious mansion. Irony is also present in the first chapters of the novel, as before Nick Carraway met Gatsby, no one truly knew who he was or where he came from. There where a few rumors, such as him killing someone or being the son of a German king, however no one knew the truth and people wanted to ascertain more about Gatsby. Many scrutinized his background as many wondered where he came from, and who he truly was. Throughout the novel the reader know learns more about Gatsby. One might expect Gatsby, the organizer of the huge parties, to be an active, energetic, and creative person; however its ironic how the reader finds out Gatsby is the complete opposite. He is describes as a man of class, elegant, who doesn’t drink, isn’t an alcoholic, and isn’t a great partier himself, as he isn’t often present during his parties where everyone else is. This is another reason why he embodies the characteristics of West Egg, because in West Egg, those who made themselves rich, don’t, or at least until now, haven’t mentioned the way they earned their wealth. Gatsby doesn’t tell everyone immediately the way he became rich, he rarely talks about it. Also Nick, the narrator, he lives in West Egg, therefore he must have some sort of wealth, however he doesn’t mention it or clarifies exactly where he got it from. Instead East Egg seems to work in a different way, since it’s the place of â€Å"old money† and established aristocracy, that means people are established rich and have most likely inherited wealth from their family, such as Tom. Therefore, Fitzgerald portrays Gatsby in such ways that fulfill the characteristics of a man living in West Egg.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Motivational Factors

Abstract This paper will explore and discuss the motivational factors that managers must be proficient with in order to accomplish the organization’s goals and objectives. This exploration and discussion will include aspects of different theories to understand how motivation affects the accomplishment of the organization’s goals and objectives. This exploration will be emphasized and interconnected with motivational theories to increase the success of today’s organizations and explain the impact managers have on the success of their organizations.In addition, this explanation will discuss how motivation is initiated and how this affects the personal and organizational goal settings. Implications and conclusions will be drawn from the application of ample discussion setting forth a better management practice that strengthens the understanding of the need of more motivation in today’s organizations. Motivational Factors and Organizational Goals Accomplishmen t Managers must consider many motivational factors to motivate their employees to perform at their highest ability.Motivation has internal and external forces, which influence employees’ behavior. â€Å"Motivation refers to the forces either within or external to a person that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action† (Daft & Marcic, 2010, p. 404). Any person who is successful in whatever they are doing it is very likely due to set goals. Goal Setting is extremely important to motivation and success. Motivating employees is beneficial for both managers and employees because it enhances productivity and the accomplishment of the organizational goals.In order to achieve these goals, employees need to be well trained and motivated by managers which are the key factors in the success of this task. Employees are the most important assets and they are human being first and then the employees. For that reason, they must be treated fairly and with dignity. This is one of the most prominent motivating factors in any organization. Leaders and managers need to earn the respect of their employees in order to excel in their task. Departing from the premise of treating others with respect and dignity, employees will react in the same way.Managers can show respect to their employees by assigning them tasks that they are best suited for them. Every employee has a unique set of skills and talents that are an enormous resource for managers. Managers by communicating employees’ strong points will motivate them to accomplish their task resulting in a higher level of job satisfaction. It also builds the employee’s self-esteem and confidence leading to very strong and loyal employees. This starts a cycle of self-motivation and confidence that continually builds upon its own momentum if carefully managed.Organizations with this type of management achieve their organizational goals with ease. Everything starts with a common cy cle of motivation that needs to be fulfilled to attain the motivation desired of the employees. Figure1 shows this cycle. Figure 1. A simple model of motivation. This figure illustrates the basic elements of human motivation: need, behavior, and rewards. Source: Daft, R. (2008). Management. (8th ed). Mason, OH: Thompson South-Western, p. 522, exhibit 16. 1. Need The basic element of the motivational process in management starts with the satisfaction of employees’ needs.While motivation is universal and each employees needs are unique, managers must focus on identifying what needs are important to each individual in order to satisfy these needs and encourage the motivational environment within the organization. It is important that â€Å"managers take into account theories that will provide them a full understanding of motivation and its implementation in the workplace† (Patterson, 2007, p. 57). For instance, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory proposes that withi n every person there are needs that must be satisfied.These include safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization needs. Within each of these stages, there is a vast range of needs that could fit into each category suggesting each individuals needs could be different and unique as illustrated in table 1. Behavior â€Å"Motivation is what influences behavior† (Daft & Marcic, 2010, p. 72). Therefore, employees’ motivation must be what influences employee behavior at work. Employees can be motivated by an employer, a co-worker, or any situation in their life.While employees behave at the level their employer is looking for, managers must develop proficiency in the motivational arena. This proficiency of the application of the motivational factors will help managers to motivate their employees and fulfillment of their needs. It is important to mention that employees are human beings that have needs and they want to fulfill those needs in a successful manner. Abraham Maslo w's theory is one of the most widely discussed theories of motivation emphasizing that Table 1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of NeedsNeed HierarchyFulfillment off the jobFulfillment on the job Self-actualizationEducation, religion, hobbies, personal growthOpportunities for training, advancement, growth, and creativity EsteemApproval of family, friends, communityRecognition, high status, increased responsibilities BelongingnessFamily, friends, community groupsWork groups, clients, coworkers, supervisors SafetyFreedom from war, pollution, violenceSafe work, fringe benefits, job security PhysiologicalFood, water, oxygenHeat, air, base salary Note: This table represents the hierarchy of needs theory.This theory proposes that people are motivated by five categories of needs that exist in hierarchical order as illustrated in the table from bottom to top. Daft, R. (2008). Management. (8th ed). Mason, OH: Thompson South-Western, p. 525, exhibit 16. 2. human beings have wants and desires which i nfluence their behavior as illustrated in table 1. Daft ; Marcic (2010) mentioned, â€Å"Only unsatisfied needs influence behavior, satisfied needs do not† (p. 233). For that reason, managers have to be proficient in the motivation arena in order to have employees performing well in the organization.They also need to understand what makes employees behave well in the workplace. Reward Employee motivation, positive employee morale, and rewards are important for the success of every organization. People have unique characteristics that make them special. These characteristics will define the level of satisfaction needed to satisfy their needs whether physically, economically, emotionally, or among others. The satisfaction level will affect morale, motivation, and their quality of life in a positive or negative way. Therefore, it is imperative every organization develop a recognition program that is motivational and rewarding.No discussion of rewards would be complete without ad dressing intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. When someone feels gratification when doing something it is considered as an intrinsic reward. â€Å"Intrinsic rewards are the satisfaction a person receives in the process of performing a particular action† (Daft, 2008, p. 522). This satisfaction is caused by choices and perception a person has when accomplishing a task. Keun and Kulviwat (2008) mentioned in their research that â€Å"expectancy is the perceived connection between the effort and the outcome and the perception between the outcome and the reward† (p. 95). Expectancy theory is about the mental processes that an individual undergoes to make choices. Intrinsic motivation is motivated by the interest or enjoyment in the task itself and exists within the individual rather than relying on any external pressure as in the case of extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic rewards can be considered as when somebody tries to make someone else do something by giving them an external i ncentive that gratifies the receiver. Daft (2008) mentioned, â€Å"Extrinsic rewards are originated externally as a result of pleasing others† (p. 522).External rewards are extra pay, bonuses, promotion, incentives, among others. In the article, James (2005) presents a point of view of the cognitive evaluation theory to explain how â€Å"external motivation occurs when explicit rewards are implemented, which results in individuals having greater satisfaction† (p. 549). This theory is a theory in Psychology that is designed to explain the effects of external consequences on internal motivation. Intrinsic motivational factors are part of the job itself and boost the personal satisfaction by accomplishing something worthwhile.Many organizations need a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators to encourage top-notch performance. Managers must ensure their organization has a very good employee reward program in place that promotes creativity and excellence. Feedback Providing ample feedback would work for employees motivated by esteem, while â€Å"providing predictable work, with minimal risk and uncertainty† would satisfy employees who desire security (Moyer ; Dunphy, 2007, p. 37). Any company that values its employees should provide feedback to their employee regularly.Feedback offers invaluable insight to employees about their performance that ultimately can affect the employees’ motivation. The key to a successful feedback is to focus on positive rather than negative feedback on the employees’ performance, which is the primary purpose of feedback. Feedback is not difficult but is a skill that all managers must master. Once mastered, managers have a powerful tool for sharing knowledge and facilitating knowledge skill enhancement. From Where Motivation Comes From Motivation may come from within a person or as the result of the situation.In contemporary workplaces, employees have become accustomed to external motivations such as bonuses, extra days off, contest prizes, etc†¦ The problem with motivation resulting from a situation is that they no longer motivate employees when they are no longer in the situation. External Motivation can make people dependent on things that are never part of a long-term motivational scene. If people want motivation to go deeper, they will have to find a way to create it within themselves or intrinsically. Internal motivation is self-motivation. It resides in everyone although it may be dormant. It is lasting and powerful.In combination with the external motivators mentioned earlier it is the foundation for success of organizations. Therefore, motivation comes from within and from a situation but self-motivation may be more powerful and last longer. Conclusion Overall, the motivational process is universal as all organizations through various strategies attempt to motivate employees in order to attain high performance and achieve organizational goals. The categorie s within these theories are wide-ranging thus suggesting that there are no definite motivator factors for each employee but each individual motivation is unique.Managers must consider many motivational factors and apply them to the employee’s need uniqueness. The basic element of the motivational process in management starts with the satisfaction of employees’ needs. For that reason, managers have to be proficient in the motivation arena in order to have employees performing and behaving well in the organization. It is essential for each organization to develop a motivational and rewarding recognition program. In addition, a good feedback program must be implemented to provide employees a valuable insight about their performance allowing them to realize the achievement of their goals.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Sociology Reflective Essay

‘Social Stratification is the division of large numbers of people into layers according to their relative property, power, and prestige; applies to both nations and to people within a nation, society, or other group. ’ (Henslin, James,2011) There are basically four systems to socially stratify a family. Social class, as one of the systems will be investigated in the following paragraphs. (1) Identification of my family’s social class position and explanations of it: Social class is fundamentally determined by how much wealth you have.Income, education and gender are three major factors that I would consider to determine my family’s social class position. Concisely speaking, I came from a single-parent family which I only live with my mother. My mother is the only person who is officially employed in my family. Her occupation is a salesperson at a beauty centre with unstable income. One other important financial income of our family will be the alimony given from my father who no longer lives with us. Our household income per month is about $10,000. According to the 2006 Population By-census, the median monthly domestic household income (at current prices) was $ 17,250.Although there are only two people in my family, our monthly income is nearly 40% below the median figure in 2006. Individually, my mother does not receive stable income so her monthly income tends to be lower than the median monthly income of an employed individual of $ 10,000. In conclusion, my family’s income is comparably low; especially the data was collected in 2006 which inflation has already been excluded. Education is counted as an essential factor determining social class as it’s believed that well-educated people can always get well-pay jobs with comfortable working environments.As mentioned in the 2006 Population By-census report, people with higher educational attainment generally have higher income than less educated ones. Also, in the past fe w decades, only economically sufficient families could provide educations for their children. There are many middle-aged people nowadays do not have high-school qualifications. Thus, in the past few decades, the more educated a person was, the wealthier his/ her family would be. My mother did not finish high-school education while I have just started my university study. Finally, a very special factor—gender, is considered. ‘Gender is a basis for social stratification. (Henslin, James, 2011) All of us in a family are both females. Even though people in modern world advocate gender equality, women still suffer from gender inequality. Stated in the report of the 2006 Population By-census, the median monthly income from main employment of working men was higher than that of working women by some 30% during 1996–2006. Other than income, clothing, right to divorce and education are restricted in some Middle East countries (e. g. Iran). Hong Kong seems t o be a liberal city but there are still some deep-root traditions and thoughts that limit the social mobility of females.Due to gender inequality, my mother was not allowed to attend high school and she is forced to receive lower pay comparing to her male colleagues with same working titles. To conclude, I would say gender serves as a force that aid pushing down my family’s social status. After the considerations of all these factors, I would place my family as working class or sometimes lower class. In term of Marx’s theory, my family would be the proletariat (workers). In term of Weber’s theory which considers three components of social class, I would still place my family as working or lower class. 2) Prediction of my own social class when I am 40 years old and the possible difference between my current family social class position and the future: It is extremely hard to predict my own social position when I am 40 years old which will be approximately two decades later as our world is never predictable. Nonetheless, if everything reminds unchanged in our world, I will be a clinical psychologist or at least graduate with bachelor degree. Ideally, I will be working for the government as a professional with ‘Iron Rice Bowl’. The salary I get will be higher than average.According to the report on salary scale of common posts in the non-governmental organizations, the monthly salary of a clinical psychologist was $ 30,615 in 2009 which was 2 times higher than the median monthly income in 2006. In 20 years time, my mother will be retired hopefully and I will be the only financial support at home. My occupation, wealth, education level and income will be the main indicators to identify my social position in our society. According to Marx, I remain a proletariat who lacks of class consciousness as I do not perceive an occupation as a clinical psychologist as an exploited worker.According to Wright, I may be on the level of managers or still work ers. I guess I will not own any means of production or labor power but I hope I can still own control over investments or money capital (e. g. a flat unit). In short, from both Marx’s and Wright’s view, my social position will not differ a lot from my family’s current social class position. However, I doubt that their views are relatively simplistic and out-dated so I prefer Weber’s three components of social class (property, power and prestige). At the age of 40, as a professional, I may have a secretary which means I gain power on controlling my subordinates at work.Also, prestige sounds more achievable as a professional with more respects. From his perspective, I may achieve vertical mobility and move to a higher-rank social position comparing to my family’s current social class position. Generally, I believe being a clinical psychologist can upgrade myself from a lower/working class to lower middle class. However, the above assumptions are made under the circumstances that nothing has changed. In my own opinion, there are some essential factors that I have to consider. For examples, the prestige and income I will get for being a clinical psychologist may not be that much as in the past.This is because studying in universities is very common; getting a university degree will be easier than the past. Potentially, there will be more clinical psychologists in Hong Kong and salaries will be lowered when there are sufficient supplies. (3) Considerations of all advantages and/or disadvantages my family’s current social class position provides or poses in helping to determine the social class to which I see myself belonging when I am forty years old: First of all, I would like to state some of the disadvantages at the beginning.Income is an important indicator determining class position. However, my mother’s income can be very unstable (as a typical factor of local working class). She can earn quite a lot this month but earn nothing in the following month. A few years ago while there was a structural change in the industry that I have considered not to continue my study but to work in order to support my family’s expenses. This kind of consideration may appear again if the economic condition is really bad.Although the possibility is very low, income uncertainty can still block my sights from determining my future social class which is possibly determined by my education level. Also, social class is likely to be intergenerational so I am very likely to be part of the working/ lower class but not what I have expected in part (2). One significant advantage is that being a part of the lower/working class provides very strong motivation for me to study harder and move to the middle class rank in the future.When being a part of the middle class becomes my goal, I can easily conclude what social position I will be in my 40s. References: (1) Thematic Report :Household Income Distributionin Hong Kong 2006 Population By-census http://www. statistics. gov. hk/publication/stat_report/population/B11200452006XXXXB0401. pdf (2) Salary Scale of Common Posts in the Non-governmental Organizations w. e. f 1. 4. 2009 http://www. swd. gov. hk/doc/ngo/Salary%20Scale%20of%20Common%20Posts%20wef%201%204%202009. pdf (3) Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach (Henslin, James,2011)

The Sound of Music Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Sound of Music - Research Paper Example From the report it is clear that  human beings are such critical and fickle minded creatures. As an artform, it takes a lot for a film to succeed in the industry. The term â€Å"classic† is awarded to only a number of films and critics may not even always agree on branding a film with such accordance. However, when it comes to classics, perhaps every critic would agree that the 1965 film â€Å"The Sound of Music† truly deserves the recognition because it is a fine example of how the right mix of a good story, impeccable acting, breathtaking cinematography, and harmonious sound design could work together to create a film that will be remembered for decades to come.This essay stresses that in â€Å"The Sound of Music,† the story can be summed up as â€Å"Maria sees life from a whole different perspective when she leaves an Austrian convent to become the governess of Captain Von Trapp’s children.† As one can see, the story is quite simple and direct to the poem. On the other hand, the plot may be a little more verbose.  It is 1930’s in Austria and Maria, a lady from the convent who is a bit rough around the edges, has just been assigned as governess of the seven mischievous children of Captain Von Trapp, a Naval officer widower. The naughtiness of the children comes from a desire to get their father’s attention who runs the household in a very strict manner when he is not away. While Maria was initially met with the same hostility that the children awarded to their previous governesses, Maria soon wins them over with her kindness, spunk and musical inclinations.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Personal mission statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personal mission statement - Essay Example Leibowitz (1997) claims that reflections, complex thinking and communication helps the students to be able to align their goal to their career. During my last semester, I performed poorly in two units (Ancient History and Political Science) and this made me a have a low grade overall. Personally, my goal for this semester was to improve on my grade in these two units I did not perform well in order for me to increase my GPA and graduate with a good grade. During the beginning of semester, there are a number of personal and academic goals that I have been looking to accomplish. There are some goals that I have accomplished and some that I have not. Therefore, reflection on one’s goals is important as it helps one to know where he has come from and where he is going. I chose to improve on these subjects as it has greatly affected my chances of making it to the Dean’s list. My academic goal for this semester was to make it the Dean’s list and I could only achieve this through improving in my performance on the two units. With hard work and discipline, I am proud to have achieved this goal. I was able to plan a timetable that was very demanding and stack to it to the latter. My timetable required me to organize and motivate myself to complete all my assignments on time so that I would create more time for the two units. At the beginning of the semester, I made a list of the course assignments, jotted down the key points and with the help of my calendar I was able to plan my day and week respectively. On the weekdays, I allocated my designated study time table for 9pm to 11 pm. Nonetheless, I was forced to push the back this study period to accommodate time for my friends which conflicted with my set goals. Over the semester, I believe that I have accomplished most of my goals while other goals have been changed to accommodate others. I was able to communicate more with classmate that I never used to talk to. By making new friends, I was able to

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Research proposal psychology Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Psychology - Research Proposal Example The major concern is in the suburban areas of the country, as the policies are not reaching the destination it is expecting. People in this area do understand the programs to act accordingly. But the most important factor that is faced by the state to implement the mental service is the increasing immigrants in the country. The number of immigrants is increasing at a steady rate and the various policies are not on the right way to act efficiently to an effect in the immigrant population. A large bulk of this population is from the rural areas in Southeast Asia and the Middle East, so they are not in touch with various services on this section and they don’t understand the programs on the mental health. The service does not reach these people effectively. The problem is not confined to people only, the department also various issue in providing the services. Department does not understand the section which require this services so they are unable provide them. By the time when the department identify the problem and provide the service, the condition would have become worse. Department identifies need for various services when there is a crisis. As the major section who requires the mental health services are immigrants as they will have to face many mental problems due to various reasons including change in the living condition, cultural changes, social factors, and many physiological interactions and interferences. But at the present condition department is able to provide the services only the time when there is crisis. This situation is to be sorted out with immediate effect in order to maintain mental level at standard level. Various surveys conducted all over the world have also shown the serious inability in the implementation of mental health services, of which US has a main contribution. The World Health Report 2001 clearly shows that mental and neurological conditions cause a serious amount of morbidity all over the world. It is estimated that a bout 10 million people in United States are affected by mental, neurological and substance-abuse disorders. Due to the immigration effects there are many people migrating to the state. Survey shows that a large proportion of the people live in countries, including the WHO South-East Asia Region are the people suffering from these problems. It is estimated that the burden of disease from neuropsychiatric conditions measured by DALY’s will increase from 9% of the total disease burden in 1990 to 14% in 2020. It is also known that a substantial proportion of people with neuropsychiatric conditions, do not get appropriate treatment. This is known as the mental-health gap or treatment gap for mental health. It is known above 85% of the people are not getting the services they are in need of. Neurological and psychiatric services have been mainly concentrated in tertiary-care hospitals. As such, large segments of the population, particularly those who live in rural and remote areas, have been deprived of such services. This is despite the fact that both neurological and psychiatric conditions are common in these communities Mental health care programs should include all mental health and well-being needs of the community and it should utilize all the community resources and the primary health

Monday, August 26, 2019

Introduction to Communication- Self-Awareness-repost Personal Statement - 1

Introduction to Communication- Self-Awareness-repost - Personal Statement Example Apparently, the hidden self is more prominent at work because one cannot love and care for colleagues’ more than family members. Essentially, one spends a lot of time with the family members and they end up knowing a lot about a person compared to colleagues. Nevertheless, maintaining a definite level of openness is crucial. From the episode, â€Å"is data alive† by Nicholson, data’s actions do not represent what a reasonable person can do. It is important to affirm that an individual with the right mind cannot sacrifice life to avoid destruction of machines (Nicholson 1). Personally, I believe that all individuals should learn to prioritize life compared to artificial objects. It is not common to find a person who is willing to sacrifice the life of an individual in favour of material things. Therefore, no person despite race or gender is capable of performing Data’s

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Human resources management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Human resources management - Essay Example The human resource management team looks after various functions starting from recruiting the right talent to the organization, to their compensation and retention. Moreover, they have to develop the human resource of an organization in such a way that it is able to meet the present and future goals of the organization. Effective HRM practices increases employee productivity as well as financial performance of an organization (Huselid, 1995). Such practices include: Microsoft, an American public multinational corporation, was developed in 1975. It offers a wide range of computing related products and services. Being one of the most successful companies in the world, Microsoft gives a great deal of importance to its human resource. It would be not wrong to say that Microsoft is an employee driven organization and therein lays the key to its success. The vision of Microsoft states that: ‘We recognize that leadership in today’s global marketplace requires that we create a corporate culture and an inclusive business environment where the best and brightest diverse minds—employees with varied perspectives, skills, and experiences--work together to meet global consumer demands.’ Practices: Bill Gates, the driving force behind Microsoft had one simple philosophy while hiring employees for his organization. He wanted extremely intelligent staff for his company and he gave preference to intelligence over experience. Starting from selecting the most-driven employees from the best universities, and taking them through an interview process, Microsoft hired employees who fared well not only in the knowledge department but also had great problem-solving and technical skills. Microsoft also followed the ‘n-1’ policy while hiring employees. According to this policy, the company believed in hiring the right person always rather than just filling a required position. Later, Microsoft also

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Direct and direct Causes of World War 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Direct and direct Causes of World War 2 - Essay Example The war was the most widespread war in human history, and directly involved over 100 million people, from over 30 different nations (Axelrod 15). Most participating countries invested their industrial, economic, and scientific capabilities behind war efforts, erasing the distinction that existed between military and civilian resources. Marked by massive deaths of civilians, strategic bombings of population or industrial center, and first time use of nuclear weapons, there were more than 50 million fatalities, making this war the deadliest conflict to hit human in history (Axelrod 16). Various factors and events are responsible for the outbreak of this war either directly or indirectly. The immediate cause for the outbreak of the Second World War was generally considered by many to be Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939 (Ross 25). Hitler, who was the leader of the Nazi party, had established one of his major objectives as domination of Europe, which was to be sought by force. Britain and France warned Germany against invasion of Poland and that they would declare war against them if they did so, therefore, when Hitler invaded Poland, war broke in Europe (Ross 26). Otherwise, this was just a short-term trigger of the war. There existed other under the surface tensions that had for long brewed tension amongst states, which played a key role in the outbreak of the war. Germany was dissatisfied with the Versailles Treaty.

Friday, August 23, 2019

My personal statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

My - Personal Statement Example I am from Indonesia. I am the only child of my parents, and the first child from the entire family to come to America and study. My first inspiration to excel in business came from my parents, who are self-made people, and started their business with nothing at hand. They had not even graduated from any high school, but they had the enthusiasm to do something in their lives, and they have passed on that enthusiasm onto me. Another great support for me has been my best friend. She has supported me in many ways and has inspired me to become a better person. She is actually an artist; and, since I am interested in photography, I have helped her in many of her projects and exhibitions, like In the Grove (Discovery Indonesia), Century Bookstore, and the Indonesian Consulate. For her team of artists, I am the admin and the event organizer of her website named Swargaloka. In my first semester of studying in Pasadena City College, I got a W in accounting and under the unit, because I was fac ing difficulties in the adjustment in the new culture. I also had so many responsibilities at that time and was expected to perform so well, that it was getting hard for me to manage. But later on, I learned how to cope, and improved in many things. For example, in this semester, I am working voluntarily with numerous organizations. However, I got a Win computer information system course, which has made me learn that I have yet to improve a lot to be able to manage both education and co-curricular activities properly and simultaneously.... I actively participated in the â€Å"Your Vote Matters, 2012† in the Asian pacific legal center, where I convinced people to vote by making hundreds of phone calls. I have also been an internee in the operation committee of the tournament of roses. I volunteered for the American Red Cross, and also for the rock and roll marathon that was held in Los Angeles in favor of the ASPCA. Not only did I volunteer outside the campus, but also in many internal activities, like volunteering for the international student registration and orientation for sixteen hours. When I was in my high school in Singapore, I received six commendation certificates for effort and achievement within two years. In my high school in Indonesia, I helped my community by working fifty hours in an orphanage, and donated around $500 by selling food and goodies. I also gave my services in a mosque and temple. I attended a workshop in Indonesia, regarding the understanding of AIDS. I also completed a mentally and physically challenging outward bound course, held in Singapore in 2009 for four days, aimed at developing strong character values, metal resilience, teamwork and leadership. At present, I am working in the consulting LLC, where I am involved in both the internal and external management of the company. I am also an active member of the AGS honor society. I am proud to have contributed to the society in social communication and community service. My Personal Statement 2 Now, I shall discuss some of my personal qualities that make me proud of who I am, and which will surely help me in my professional life as well. My best talents include good organization, discipline, carefulness,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Many Teenagers Run Away from Home Essay Example for Free

Many Teenagers Run Away from Home Essay Each year, many teenagers run away from home. Why do you think are their chief causes? There are many teenagers who run away from their home. Recently the problem of teenagers running away from home is getting more and more serious. This happens in big cities and small towns, and our country is no exception. Each year, many teenagers run away from their families. But it all depends on the person. The main reasons of teenagers’ running away are in surrounding community. The closest people in the world are our family. But if there are some problems in family, then person, especially teenager, who is formed own current psyche, escape from the hopelessness. Nowadays it is very difficult to live with the society around us. Many people try to find a benefit only for themselves, trying to deceive someone in order to satisfy their needs. They deceive each other without thinking that makes a pain and mental injury. There are several reasons why teenagers run away from home, normally these reasons are related to conditions in the families, bad influence of their friends and financial problem. The first cause of running away is conditions in the family. One of the reasons is because they come from broken homes where their parents are divorced. They do not get enough love and care from their parents. As a result, they will go and find love and care elsewhere. Some parents have the habit of quarrelling in front of their children. The children feel ashamed of their parents and cannot stand this kind of environment. In the end they run away from home. Some parents are too strict with their children. They always punished, scold and lecture their children. They also put too much pressure on their children especially in their studies. Actually they should encourage and guide them more instead of putting unrealistic goals on their lives. Most teenagers do not like to be restricted and treated like children. They want to have their own freedom. They like to be creative and learn things for themselves. To overcome the problem, parents should learn how to care and love their children. They need to be sensitive and careful not to do certain things in front of the children. For example, if they have conflicts among themselves, they need to settle it on their own first instead of arguing or quarrelling in front of their children. In many families children are afraid of talking to their parents and asking them for what they want. For this reason the misunderstandings between them grow bigger and bigger. This often ends in a big quarrel. The second reason that leads to run away teenagers from their home is bad influence of their friends. They find their own way of escape by running away from home. They tend to spend their time with their friends than staying at home. That is the beginning of the problem. If they mix with the wrong group of friends, they will get involve with all kinds of wrong activities. For example, under the influence of bad friends, teenagers who escape from home may fall under alcohol dependence. Teenagers abuse alcohol. They seem to be getting a hold of alcohol at a younger and younger age. Since alcohol is used to celebrate and have fun, teens that abuse alcohol most likely has no idea of the affect alcohol and its abuse can have on their bodies. If they find bad friends that influence of them, they begin to offer drinking and in the end teens used to drink and become an alcoholics. Then finish their life in the street. Also teens may become drug addict, which in turn lead to depression and suicide. The most common reason why teenagers use drug is to relieve stress. Many of them have to suffer stress from family condition. One of the explanations is that drugs users have a poor family life. The majority of drug users have had an unhappy childhood which includes cruel punishment and parental neglect. Many teenagers become a fraudster and a thief when the run away from home. Thus the undergrowths, which are associated with bad friends, began to becoming fraudsters or steal on the street. Eventually they are arrested for petty theft and in the future they have no chance to make something of life, because they have a criminal past. The last cause of teenagers running away is financial problem. The most teenagers run away from their house for financial problem in the family. Mendicancy is big problem nowadays, especially in our country. A lot of people standing on the street and ask money. Most of them teenagers, I am sure that they have family and house, but anyway the escape from their home. The main reason it is financial problem. They become a thief and begin to stealing bags, wallets, mobile phones and others valuable things. If someone steals so they can survive or to help other people that are in need then in most cases its alright. To steal just because they didnt want to pay for something even though theyre capable then its wrong. These people should be punished in order to learn that they were wrong for stealing. But these teenagers who have home and family, who must study, help parents, they should not steal. But others teenagers find not good pay jobs, such as water in cheap cafes, cleaner, job in car washing, janitor and so on. They need the money, but they have not opportunity and choice and they have to work in such jobs as these. They have not education and no one can help them with good job. Every teenager who run away from home, have made a bad decision. They got themselves under the pressures that they felt the need to escape from. Instead of facing their problem and solving it, they chose to run from it. When they have the right decision to change some of the things that may be going on in their lives, the pressure lessens, and there is no more need for them to escape. If they learn to solve their problem and their parents will help them to do so, without cursing and impose their goals and solutions, then the escape of teenagers reduced many times. In conclusion, there are so many teenagers who run away from their families. There are many reasons for it, but one solution parents must be more careful, understanding and loving. If parents will pay enough attention to their children, the children answered them reciprocate and they the same as apply to their children in the future. For teenagers is very important parents’ attention, their understanding and advice. Parents should only speak with their child and all this will not happen. I think the main problem of this issue is misunderstood of our parents, because they forget that they also be teenagers, they want fence in all things. But this lead to lies quarrels and finally escapes from home.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Goal Statement Essay Example for Free

Goal Statement Essay I have planned on becoming a teacher for years. After receiving my own education, I look forward to sharing my knowledge with my students. In the past I have taught classes in creative writing, instrumental music, sailing, various sciences, and religious education, allowing me to experience the interactions between teacher and students in different environments. The age of my students ranged from seven to fifteen, so I utilized a variety of teaching techniques to keep the students interested. I have grown to love teaching and every time I see a look of understanding on a childs face, I feel I have made a difference in their development, even if it was just a small impact. I look forward to the opportunities provided by the college I have chosen to enroll in, to be active in the educational communities of Rhode Island, especially through their practical teaching programs in connection with coursework in their College of Arts and Sciences. I plan on learning as much as I can through these courses so I may be better prepared to pursue a successful career as an educator. I will be striving towards a double major in Secondary Education and either a math or science topic, and once I receive my degree I plan on becoming a teacher at in the science and/or math course focused on during my. I plan on using the information I have gained through my college studies to be not only a competent educator, but also an expert in the field I decide to teach. As an educator, it will be my goal to demonstrate fairness to each student by providing the knowledge and explanation necessary for them to succeed both in my class and in life. As my contribution to the community, I plan to pass on the benefits of my college education to future generations through my career as a teacher.

The Olympics: Ethical Issues

The Olympics: Ethical Issues Olympics is considered as one of the biggest international events in the history of sports. It stages athletes from countries all over the world. It is held every four years and the complete event would last for more than two and a half weeks. It is considered as one of most popular sporting event in the world, with over a thousand sportsmen taking part in more than twenty sporting events. The audience wide worlds which are viewing the Olympics are over a billion. The Olympics was started nearly 3000 years ago in Greece, this was done to honor the greek gods, athletes would train over a period of time to compete against other athletes to compete in Olympia where the winners are rewarded with a crown of olive eyes, which would bring fame, victory and respect. New events were introduced as time passed, and a huge range of sporting events came into place which encouraged more people to take part in the events. Despite earlier struggles, the Olympic Games have developed into one of the w orlds most recognizable global brands, and a key event on the international sporting and events calendar, anticipated by athletes, sport enthusiasts and coach potatoes alike ( Amis and Cornwell , 2005) Olympics is hosted once in every four years and its hosted by a specific city , not a country . Olympics are divided into special Olympics like Winter Olympics, Paralympics and the special Olympics , which are specifically designed for people with disabilities. The city in which the Olympics is hosted , it would have various sites in and around the city where different sporting events would be taking place, it also has to provide an Olympic Village where the competitors and their coaches would be living . Every country has its own Olympic organization which has the responsibility for looking after its team. Olympics which is seen as the biggest event with tremendous amount of time spent in planning and designing and the implementation. Attributes most closely associated with the Olympic image are positive, aspirational and emotional; such as being the best, trustworthy, inspirational, peaceful, honorable, participation and striving (International Olympic Committee 2001, p. 9). One of the important powerful symbols for the Olympics is the Olympic torch, representing freedom, a lack of cultural barriers and harmony Olympic Marketing Marketing is one of the most powerful tool used in Olympics with the help of corporate sponsorship. Corporate sponsorship have been divided into various categories like the official sponsor, official license and the the official license which are given to sponsors who invest in this mega event for a month. The income which they earned was over 215 Million US dollars. Huge corporate sponsorship was seen during the event in 198 when the games where held in Los Angeles, that when Olympics was recognized as a competition which earned a multi million pound and everyone wanted to be a part of the event DRUG USE ETHICAL ISSUES IN OLYMPICS The use of drug to enhance the performance in sports has been from long hisrory . In the greek society , the role of sports have prominent from 400 BC. Victory in ancient Olympics gave the winners lot of fame , money , house, exemptions from tax and army service. From those people have been taking enhancing drugs in form of plant extracts and mushroom , it was one of the major reason why dissolution of ancient Olympics happened. In roman empire chariot racers fed their horses with enhancing drugs so that they could run faster and gladiators were doping to make the entertainment vigorous and bloody for the paying audience. it is relevant to note a recent initiative to better link sports management and ethical sustainable development. Industry bodies are encouraged to take up ethically considered action that will strengthen the field and enhance the use of sport for education and economic development purposes whilst safeguarding future generations from the identified threats existing in the sports environment ( T. Eleni,pp. 48 ) Self regulating and incitemen mechanisms for athletes sponsors and the media must be established inorder o fight the lethal dangers in sports permitting sports to remain safe for those who practice it, for society in general and to serve harmonious human development everywhere , as the preample to the Olympic charter states ( T. Eleni, pp. 48) It has become more important to keep the notion of the sport which is supported by the slogan as safe . In broader term which mean sports which is sustainable, which is addiction free, fair and ethical. It should be sustainable by which sports should not lead to construction of facilities which are inappropriate or organizing events which are gigantic which on the contrary helps the sports to create development which is balanced. Sports should be addiction free by which it avoids the use of all of enhancing drugs but instead promoting sports which in turn contributes towards better health. Sports should be fair by not allowing it to be turning into physical or moral violence, but making it more effective as an educational tool which is incomparable, and Ethics in sports should contribute towards sound and effective economy, by not allowing it to become corrupted or criminal in nature. By promoting, managing and financing a SAFE sport managers and planners can contribute to a harmonious human development everywhere and meet the needs of the present sportsmen/women, athletes and fans without further harming sport or compromising the ability of future generations to enjoy sport at its best ( T. Eleni, pp. 49).The call for a social responsibility is a must, it ranges from responsibilities which is contractual, for stakeholders development and considerations of economic, ethical and legal have to be made. It is done for effective relationship between employees , customers, community, competitors, government and investors who have interest in the particular event or company. The use of drugs in sport has been widely reported by the media in recent years to the extent that many people consider it to be a modern day phenomenon. There is evidence , however , of a long history of the use of drugs in sport to enhance performance that can be tracked to Greek times ( Cahmore, 1996) Political Scandals Surrounding the Olympics As the Olympic Games were increasingly become popular, the games have become a tool of political nature. Most of the countries use special competitors as political ambassadors. One of the objectives in charter of Olympics, the IOC ( International Olympic Committee) is to oppose any abuse of political nature in sports and athletics. Over the years 3 major Olympics have been cancelled during the world wars and due to this in the year 1920 countries like Austria, Hungary, Germany and Turkey were not allowed to participate In the event due to their role in the world war I . Of all the Olympic games which took place, the Berlin Game which took place is 1936 was the most influenced game as the games were awarded to Berlin which was quite evident that Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany would have complete control over the Olympic Games, it was a total display of political strength . However Hitler failed in the proving the theory of superiority of race when he was frustrated over black athletes like Jesse Owens winning four gold medals in different events. The Olympic Games are not new to criticism, controversy and negative connotations, most commonly relating to perceived commercialism and the politicising of the event itself (Roche 2002; Lenskyj 2000) Another example of the Political events linked with the Olympics when a group of terrorists attacked the Israeli headquarters during the Olympics in Munich and killed two people instantly and murdered another 9 during a failed rescue attempt by the German police at the airport. All of these examples show how different countries use Olympics as a venue for making their Political stand DRUG USE A MORE CONTEMPORARY PHENOMENON ( Coakely , 1994) Use of amphetaminine abuse in 1960s which indicates how widespread drug abuse had become , which led the authorities to attempt to eradicate he problem. 1960s the use of widespread drugs was due to the following factors More liberal approach to experimentation of drugs in the society which caused the attitudes of the drug users more socially acceptable Advances in the medical science have made drugs more widely available Since the event being commercialized and with huge increase in the media coverage which has resulted in higher financial rewards for participants which has paved the way for the change in the attitude among the athletes to attain victory through drug use. Due to this widespread use of drugs in the modern era and the difficulty faced in controlling the use of drugs many people have raised a question as to why the purpose of sports or sporting events itself. The whole emphasis on winning a gold medal in the Olympics has completely lost the real values behind such a great sporting event. The fundamental principle of any sporting event is that it should promote fair play and there should no discrimination between different people . This is one of the highest ideals which they should follow. When the rules are followed, the sporting events become a human activity which is worthwhile , when this activity is just associated with goal for result than the process itself, thats when it is simply corrupted. The ethics of Olympics promotes equality and fair play . Participants who with the complete knowledge of the ethics use drugs then they use it which becomes a ethical and moral issue. Olympic motto which says that taking part is more important than the winning . Many people in sports today considers ethics as integral part in the meaning of sports and they are unhappy about the degrading part about the sport. Professionalization and commercialization of sporting events in last 40 years have seen a gradual drop in the ethics of traditional sports and its replacement by upgraded new ethics which promotes winning by any means and not any more participation. Use of Drugs in sporting event is justified by new sports ethics Sacrifices made by athletes in the name of sport Athletes in order to excel used deviant methods to succeed even if it means that they have to pay a price Accepting any kind of risks which includes use of drugs to reach excellence Athlete accepts no limit to performance when the medical science and technology field has improved to such an extend Sporting events in this modern era are so rewarding that many new athletes follow the new sporting ethics without questioning different risks associated with their health and safety without questions the actions morally. Sporting events have become so entertaining and expectations from the society are so high that expectations from the athletes are over the human performance. Olympic Marketing Marketing is one of the most powerful tool used in Olympics with the help of corporate sponsorship. Corporate sponsorship have been divided into various categories like the official sponsor, official license and the the official license which are given to sponsors who invest in this mega event for a month. The income which they earned was over 215 Million US dollars. Huge corporate sponsorship was seen during the event in 198 when the games where held in Los Angeles, that when Olympics was recognized as a competition which earned a multi million pound and everyone wanted to be a part of the event Corporate Governance:- It is defined as a system by which an organization is controlled and directed even the distribution of rights and responsibilities among participants of the organization . Organizations who stage the sport and events also have the responsibility to ensure that they comply with requirements of legislation which is relevant. Legislation is in place to ensure that people should abide by standards of behavior which is ethical in nature and at the same time sporting events should become aware of the legislation applicable. Ethical concept An overview Ethical approach is a concept which is a key factor in performance of organization, business or event. Ethics in the management is focused on the organizational and moral standards which exist in all situations. Decision making in any organization or event should consider the range and pressures which are of ethical nature. Assessment in an ethical focus will consider different interrelationship of activities, products and services of different ranges, and relationships between different community and environment. Ethical issues which concerns the business sectors and the public level organizations exist at three levels which is individual , macro and corporate level. At the individual level it basically deal with the behavioral pattern and actions pertaining to the certain individual within the organization. In the macro level , it is the role of the business in the international context of the society, in the corporate level , it deals with the corporate social responsibility which studies the ethical effect it has on individual and corporate entities. ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN MAJOR EVENT: OLYMPICS FAIR PLAY Olympics which is seen as a large event promotes fair play as one of the ethics. it refers to a certain conduct specifically for the individuals involved in the ethics of the game . It can be also defined as benchmark principle or value to be followed during and after an event, match or game. All the organizations involved with the sporting events should ensure that these principles and values are understood clearly by every individual and these values are promoted and understood by all the individuals involved in these sporting events and the consequences they have to face if they do not adhere to these ethics. Consistency is very vital as no individual because of their popularity or position in that particular sport would have an added advantage. Fair play can be promoted through specific codes of conduct, a code which does clearly define the specific practices that captures ethical values of sports. HUMAN RIGHTS Its in a major aspect in sporting events as it is in all the aspects of life that individuals do respect each other and they are aware about the rights they have. The human rights come under one of the ethical considerations as it covers main areas including freedom of thought, liberty, Protection of property and special requirements needed for the hearing procedures and tribunals. By identifying the diversity of those who are planning, competing and attending the event, it would be easier to meet the needs of those who are involved , avoid the legal challenges and ensuring fairness. EQUITY It is fundamental to the participation in the governance, delivery of sport and organization. Equity in sports protects all individuals equally and it basically upholds the social justice so as to ensure everyone is respected and their rights are being protected, it is a critical element in the diversity of sporting events and it is no longer acceptable for people to discriminate people or put down others on basis of difference in the name of religion , sex, ethnicity , culture, disability etc. Major event host have an important responsibility to provide access not only to athletes, but also to spectators, employees, service providers and volunteers . Access refers to aspects of events which are physical example, wheel chair access or signage being placed which is Braille. Creating a suitable environment in which people feel safe and free from any danger makes events accessible . DISABILITY SPORT As human beings , we often come across people of certain age group who are affected with certain illness, health problem or disability which hold them back from doing any activity or restrictions from full participations. As a result of their condition , they should be given special assistance to in order to participate in that particular environment. In major sporting events there are so many way in which assistance can be given to people with disabilities like changes made to buildings design , use of specialist equipment and training given to the members who would be providing them with special assistance. Helpful understanding staff ,volunteers as well as facilities which are modified which will make the event a memorable experience whatever the roles that they hold in these events. ETHINCITY , RACE AND SPORTS Racisim is very sensitive issue, it can be explained as discrimination against an individual in respect to their colour, racial origin ,ethnicity ,ancestry or even place of birth. Racism of any nature is not welcomed in any society and it should not be kept prolonged in any form of sport. The use of positive images in advertising or promoting the event in a specific way or translation of important information will keep away racism and ensure that environment is quite welcoming for different nationalities and communities. STAKEHOLDERS THEORY APPLIED TO OLYMPICS Everyone who comes into contact with the event assesses the event in one or other way. There is a list of people who would assess the success of an event Staff all the people employed for this event and this also applies to people who are sub contractors and other potential staffs. The audiences- who has the made event so lively by providing the active viewership Local Communities- This relates to the staffs employed and people living in the local communities who have showed their esteem support by welcoming a huge crowd for this mega event Sponsors- Major sponsors who has financially helped the event Suppliers suppliers relate to all people who provided material for staging different events at different arenas Media- Whole event coverage has been done by the media and they would assess it in their own way by promoting the event in large scale all over the world. Performance would be calculated according to each of these groups depending on their interests, it is therefore necessary to identify the group who has a genuine interest in the event and all the necessary steps should be taken to see that the stakeholder groups and parties interested in the event are well informed and satisfied with all the services being provided as far as possible. Ethics have played an important role in the Olympics as it has laid down rules covering areas of subjects which has improved the games experience in a total way. Ethical guidelines are a must for such an event which covers a wide area of people from different regions of the world. As the Olympics have progressed over the years several issues affecting different classes of people and country as a whole have been eradicated and methods are devised to curb any area of the event which is ethically degrading the Olympic image. With all this commercialization in place and urge of the new media coverage reaching millions of viewers across the globe, Olympics should emerge as even a cleaner sporting events promoting true sportspeople and enhancing new technologies to curb the use of drugs and blocking the threat of terrorism attacks through further security screening in place. References Amis, J., and T. B. Cornwell. 2005. Global Sport Sponsorship: Berg Publishers. Cashmore, E. ( 1996) Making sense of Sports, London : Routledge Coakley , J . ( 1994) Sports in Society : Issues and Controversies, London : Mosby Theodoraki, E (2007) Olympic event organization, Elsevier International Olympic Committee. 2001. Olympic Marketing 1980 2001. Marketing Matters 19: Roche, M. 2002. The Olympics and Global Citizenship. Citizenship Studies 6 (2): 165-181 REFLECTIONS Business Ethics Business ethics is shared norms of those who run a business , which is controlled by the social, cultural ,religious, philosophical, geographical , political, economic, legal norms . Business ethics change with the changing value system , moulding and recreating to fit the current need of the society. Though business relates to profit and ethics to morality, literally they contradict each other.With the business group gaining lots of money from the market, it needs to follow these ethics , which do have moral component . These ethics are there to please the individual and group morals in the society so as to win the market, otherwise business if only guided by profit motives can prove dangerous to the society so business group have to realise their social responsibility, through this social responsibility the businesscommunity share their profit for the wellbeing of society that is for educating youth, running awareness campaigns on social issues etc . The sense of right and wrong ke ep changing with change in: Time : beliefs and ways of life change with changing time. Modern business is far more different from the past exchange system and had been changing till since then. Place: different countries have different business ethics depending on their local scenario. Political parties: the liberal , socialist, communist ideology of the political party in power would control the business scenario Legal system: Business Ethics which are prescribed right by the state are strictly followed, their violation amounts to punishment. Culture and religion believes : ethics change with change in culture eg Islamic culture believes that doing business for making money is moral prescription whereas Hindu culture believe that one has come with nothing and would go with nothing so profit making is not considered moral rather giving alms and donations are prescribes, whereas in USA Calvinism prescribes working for making money S. Carmichael (1995) states that Business ethics is a wider concept , which not only includes ethics on product development and marketing but ethical issue such as Employee conflict of interest, inappropriate corporate gifts, sexual harassment, Unauthorised payments, affirmative action, employee privacy, environmental issues, employee health screening, conflict between companys ethics, foreign business practice, security of company ethics, workplace safety, advertising content, product safety standards, corporate contribution, shareholders interests, social issues raised by religious organisations, product pricing, executive salaries etc Thus Business ethics are important for the wellbeing of society on the whole and profit companies too. Profit of business ethics is sense of being right, which gives market reputation and confidence of the consumers. Thus better business locally and internationally. REFERENCES S. Carmichael (1995), Business ethics: the new bottom line, Demos, 1995 Sustainability Sustainable development is a development is that meets the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Martin . w. Holdgate, 1996) Business has played a big role in the destruction of the environment and now it has become the responsibility of the business to curb its destructive practices and move towards revival of environment. Sustainability is a big challenge for the business community. Sustainability has social, economic and environmental parameters. That signifies that its a social responsibility that all the resources available on earth are to be preserved for future generations and the economical usage is need of the hour or resources would soon deplete. The processes , material used and the waste produces by the industries can have direct link with environmental stability. The gases released by the industries is increasing the global temperature and thus participating in global warming. Air, water, soil pollution effecting the ecology and disturbing the whole ecosystem. The principles of sustainability include keeping account of the needs of the people specially deprived and poor people, having a long term vision with corporate and government participation, integrated strategy with collective efforts ,keeping in view social, political, economic factors, financial resources should be chalked out in anticipation along with the plan of action, access l to information and putting it to practice, proper monitoring of the strategy, keeping up with the latest information and updating and modifying the sustainability plan according to need, good communication system , initiative should be taken by all countries to have their own action plan instead of working with international pressure, need is of strong commitment of the government and leading corporate groups ,capacity building, local and national integration and meaningful participation at all levels. Problems faced in sustainable development is lack of financial backup, lack of public awareness, limited time and lack of up-to-date technology and infrastructure. The long term environmental health and store of resources for human consumption in future is the ultimate benefit. References:- Martin . w. Holdgate, 1996, From care to action: making a sustainable world, Taylor Francis Conflicted Events Conflict is a universal , conscious phenomenon in human relation. Gillin and Gillin says Conflict is a social process in which individual or group seeks their ends by directly challenging the antagonists by violence or threat of violence, Marx says conflict is a class phenomenon, there is conflict between upper class and economically poor class, where poor are exploited by rich, leading to frustration and finally class solidarity and conflict between these classes Causes: Acording to Darwin Struggle for exsistance and survival of the fittest is the cause of conflict. Frued says clash of interest within groups and societies leads to conflict. Other causes of conflict are individual differences, cultural differences, clash of interests and social change. Effects of conflict: Integrative Effects : It stiffens the morale and promote ingroup solidarity, redefines value system, resolves crisis, leads to new consensus, keeps group alert about members interests Disintegrative effects: conflicts increase bitterness. It leads to destruction and bloodshed, it leads to tension, it disrupts normal channels of cooperation , it diverts members attention from group objectives. Theories of conflict: Marxian theory of conflict talks about the development of economically dominant class, which goes for accumulation of wealth and property by exploiting poor people. This resulted in wide economic gap i.e. polarisation of clases. The dominant class kept accumulating wealth on cost of poor leading to poor becoming still poorer, that is termed as pauperization, poor when work constantly like a machine without proper rewards and he did not get credit and name for the product he produces. This leads frustration. The frustrated deprived group develops common consciousness and they stand against the dominant class and finally revolution occurs, leading to strength in voice of poor. This is the start of the communist society. Functional theory says conflict is universal and is useful for the society. Conflicting values lead to development of new value system, replacing the old one. Thus conflict becomes a basis for change. New believes replace the conflicting old believes and thus keep pace with the changing world. Conflict in event management: Conflict between the government policies and the corporate policies, local conflicts affecting the event, internal conflicts of the firm, conflict on event ownership, conflicts in the crowd due to miscreants and other antisocial elements , the events related to minority group, religion, sensitive social issues etc are more prone to conflict. Supply chain management Supply chain management is defined as asset of three or more companies linked by one or more of the upstream and downsteam flows of products, services, finances, and information from a source to a customer. Or supply chain management is defined as systemic, strategic coordination of traditional business functions within a particular company and across businesses within the supply chain, for the purpose of improving the long-term performance of the individual companies and supply chain as a whole. ( John T.Mentzer,2001) Main Purpose of supply chain management is to give contentment to the customer, to be placed higher in the competition, to be highly efficient via cost leadership. Functions of supply chain management is to implement the plans, upgrade the system of purchasing and keep an account of all purchase , create supply sources, receive supply, facilitate movement of goods to the customers and control the transport and delivery, monitoring the whole supply chain. Benefits of supply chain management is the manufacture can upgrade the product according to the demand of the market. The feedback from the customer, the team work of the company and regular communication at both ends result in better customer services and satisfaction of customer. The skill on the manufacturing end, requirement design , ideas from within the company brings a novel product. Regular contact with the supplier would keep manufacturer informed about the time and mode of availability of raw material, this helps company to plan accordingly saving time and avoiding undue delay in delivery of goods to the customer. Coordination of different parts via supply chain management would result in enhanced efficiency. Strategies of supply chain management: lean, agile and integration strategies. Lean strategy cuts on waste procedures, curbs delays, eases the movement, simplifies procedures, use latest technology, reduces cost and provides services close to the customers location. Lack of flexibility, ow customer satisfaction and inability to stand market competition are possible limitations. Agile strategy on the other hand brings complete customer satisfaction with adjustability and flexibility in response to market demands, its stands high in the competition, communication between the customer, supplier and the competitors is maintained. Scope: supply chain management has functional scope and organisational scope as well. The functional scope is the wide range of traditional business and the relationship with the other companies working in coordination with the firm denotes organisational scope. Thus supply chain management is significant to bridge the gap between supplier and manufacturer, manufacturer and customer and manufacturer and changing market demands. It enhances customer satisfaction and help producing up-to-date products. Reference:  · John T.Mentzer, ( 2001) Supply chain management,second edition, Sage publications, India Ltd  · Sunil chopra, P. meindl,(2000) Supply chain management strategy, planning and operations, third edition. ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE Environmental change with global warming is an issue of international concern. Rising levels of gases like carbon dioxide of temperature leading to melting of ice, resulting in increase in water level in the oceans, affecting climate zones all over the world. Change in climate zone would lead to extinctio

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Essay --

As part of marketing in business, strategy is a leading light because it is a plan of action designed and followed by businesses to become successful. Three companies in the same industry can offer similar products in a completely different ways. Branding is everything and understanding what customers want determines a company’s brand position. Airline companies are great examples of numerous companies offering the same product. Major differences in brand and quality management come when comparing three airline companies that offer the same product such as Spirit Airlines, Jet Blue and American Airlines. Although their product is the same, the processes to marketing their product are completely different. Spirit Airlines is an American ultra low-cost carrier headquartered in Miramar, Florida. Spirit has scheduled flights with 52 destinations across the U.S. as well as the Caribbean, Mexico, and Latin America. The company first started off as a Clipper Trucking Company in 1964 but the airline service was founded in 1980, as Charter One, a Detroit-based charter tour operator providing travel packages to entertainment destinations such as Atlantic City, Las Vegas, and the Bahamas. On May 29, 1992, Charter One bought jet equipment, changed its name to Spirit Airlines, and started services from Detroit to Atlantic City. During the next five years, Spirit expanded rapidly, increasing service from Detroit and adding service in new markets such as Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Los Angeles, and New York. In 2001, Spirit began services to San Juan, Puerto Rico, and performed a fully unified Spanish-speaking customer service plan including a website and dedicated reservation line. Spirit allows you to bring one carry-on bag and payme... ...assengers receive alcoholic beverages for free. Non-alcoholic beverages are free for all classes. Alcoholic drinks are available for purchase on all home flights in Coach. Beer and wine are now free on long haul international flights to Europe and Asia and certain flights to South America. Its goal is to provide safe, dependable and friendly air transportation along with related services, making a great effort to transform any experience into a positive one. All of the services that this company has and the image that they are trying to keep in everyday activities make each day a little challenging for its employees. American Airlines’ employees will be able to travel for free in coach class on any flight in the worldwide network, the airline told them. The new program also will give the employees’ registered family members and parents unlimited travel privileges.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Fairness In The Workplace Essays -- Workplace Essays

Fairness In the Workplace  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  American society is slowly, but surely, moving towards equality in the workplace. In the past decade laws have been passed that prohibit discrimination in hiring, retaining and promoting employees based on race, gender, disability and religious beliefs. Although not all groups have been included yet, the movement towards a more just workplace is evident. Nowadays, almost every single employer will have the sign 'Equal Opportunity Employer' under the name of the company, especially when recruiting. However, even though companies have adopted these standards as a part of their corporate culture, not all people are able to fully appreciate and accept diversity in the workplace. Although there are many different issues to be considered, I believe that the most prominent issue is that of socialization - the way people were taught and learned to interact with the society at large and its members. This issue has many various aspects that can help understand the difficult y of accepting diversity. These issues include unfair and outdated expectations of others, fixed views on certain issues, and unwillingness to admit that problems exist and that they need to be dealt with.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The concepts of expectations and fixed views intersect in a few places. Fixed views are not what one expects of someone, but how the person relates and perceives that someone. Strong views are often followed by expectations. For example if one thinks that someone else is a violent person, he/she will expect to see outbursts of violence. If one has been ?conditioned?, by which I mean that through interaction with society on has learned a particular view or behavior, to think that homosexual relationships are ?disgusting? or at least that they are not ?normal?, one will probably find difficulty with dealing with such instances in the workplace. Williamson, in his article ?Is this the Right Time to Come Out, discusses a situation that a young homosexual employee faced at work. His boss was unable or maybe unwilling to understand the parallels of homo- and heterosexual relationships. In this particular instance, the employee had a chance to tell his employer how he fe els. Unfortunately, there are man situations where homosexual employees are afraid of being ridiculed or made uncomfortable about their sexual preference. As the article me... ...nt. However, the most difficult obstacle in removing the above two issues is the unwillingness to admit that those issues exist and deal with them. Some people might be afraid of lawsuits; it is understandable that nobody comes out shouting, ?I hate women, what are we going to do now. However, if such problems exist, they will not be removed until they are confronted. McIntosh mentions in her article that men are unwilling to admit that they are privileged and that white people are unwilling to admit that as well. This can be difficult for those who did not have as many or any privileges. I believe that such behavior is the biggest obstacle to solving problems in the workplace.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Corporations should actively participate in the quest to make the working environment a better, less intimidating place. I believe that this goal can be accomplished through further development of diversity in corporations. Ellen won respect from men in Bahrain only after they started working closely with them. Hopefully, through closer interaction we can start addressing and changing certain views and expectations that will make the new improved corporations feel almost like Aristotle?s ?polis?.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Poem Comparison of Mr bleaney by Philip Larkin and In Memory of My Gran

Poem Comparison of Mr bleaney by Philip Larkin and In Memory of My Grandfather by Edward Storey The two poems that will be conveyed and compared will be 'Mr Bleaney' (by Philip Larkin) & 'In Memory of My Grandfather' (by Edward Storey). Both verses describe the character of the poem. The character in the poem on the Grandfather has admiration, but Mr Bleaney is disturbed. In this essay I will compare the character, poets feelings and attitude to each man. Furthermore, the similarities and differences in structure, language and image between the two poems will be compared and lastly my preference and emotional responses. To begin with what each poem is about. Mr Bleaney is a descriptive and narrative verse. There are two voices the landlady's and the poets, Mr Bleaney is given in the view of the depressed lyricist. Mr Bleaney is given the life of the writer through his lonely years. It is about a man named Mr Bleaney who lives through a lacklustre yet ordinary life, but the place he lives in is shown through a kitsch light. On the other hand the Grandfather is compared to a tree and the whole poem has the description of his appearance through the grandson's observation. Now I shall move on to the characters. Mr Bleaney has a sad life because he lives in a place called 'The Bodies.' The word body is used when someone is departed. So this means who ever lives in this house is nobody. They are metaphorically deceased. The poet describes Mr Bleaney using environments and surroundings. He suggests Mr Bleaney is not intellectual, 'sixty watt bulb' very dim, has a restricted life. Additionally he has no possessions of his own, 'behind ... ...uthor achieved his expectations of the character by evaluating him with a tree, 'his voice rough as the bark of his cracked hands.' So both artists have achieved their prospect to an extent. The reactions and images that I received from this poem vary from the writer. My preference is that I had learnt a lesson from the Mr Bleaney's poem is 'we treat ourselves the way we tell other people to treat us.' The grandfather poem did not give me many lessons except that he is the most respected character in the lyric and the whole sonnet is personified, with the tree. Additionally I blemished many disparity and distinction between the poems. There weren't numerous resemblances though. In conclusion the Mr Bleaney has told me he was a lonely and a middle class man, but the grandfather was a free sprit and lived life his way.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

John F Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev

Following World War II, the world felt the intensifying of the Cold War. Although the primary players were the United States and Russia, countries around the globe sat on the edge of their seats, waiting for the tension to rupture and a third World War to erupt. Two leaders had the fate of the world in their hands, during this era of world history, Nikita Khrushchev and John F. Kennedy. This paper will begin by overviewing each of these powerful leaders. Following these overviews, the leadership styles will then be compared and contrasted. In so doing, a clearer understanding will be developed of how two very different leaders could so effectively lead the two most powerful nations, during one of the most intense times in world history. John F. Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States, leading the nation from 1961 until his assassination on November 22nd, 1963. He was the youngest person ever to have been elected as President, and the youngest President to die. He is often seen as an American martyr (â€Å"John F. Kennedy†, 2005). Kennedy is known for his strong domestic and foreign policies. Although most of his civil rights policies didn't come into full fruition until his successor, Lyndon Johnson, came into office, due to his untimely death, Kennedy was an innovator both within and outside of America's borders. He was a visionary that had a the dedication needed to bring these visions to life. His leadership skills would be honed when a young Kennedy was finally accepted into the U.S. Navy, in 1941, where he earned the rank of lieutenant and commanded a patrol torpedo boat, or PT boat (â€Å"John F. Kennedy†, 2005). In 1943, Kennedy's leadership skills would be demonstrated, 18 years prior to his holding office and leading a nation in a tumultuous time. Kennedy's boat, the PT-109 was rammed while involved in a military raid near the Solomon Islands. Although Kennedy was thrown across the deck and injured his back, which had previously plagued him with problems, he was able to tow a wounded man three miles across the ocean to an island. He was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal, with the following citation that sums up his exemplary leadership. â€Å"During the following 6 days, (Kennedy) succeeded in getting his crew ashore, and after swimming many hours attempting to secure aid and food, finally effected the rescue of the men. His courage, endurance and excellent leadership contributed to the saving of several lives and was in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service† (as cited in â€Å"John F. Kennedy†, 2005). Following World War II, Kennedy began his career in politics. In 1946, Kennedy won the vacated seat of Representative James M. Curley, by a large margin. He was reelected to this position twice, but his voting record was often contradictory to President Harry Truman, as well as divergent from the Democratic Party as a whole (â€Å"John F. Kennedy†, 2005). This voting record was a demonstrative example of a Kennedy who would go on to prove that he was a man unto himself, as a future President. In 1952, Kennedy moved his political career one step forward with the defeat of Republican incumbent Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. for Senator of Massachusetts. His bid for the position of Vice President nomination at the Democratic National Convention, in 1956, although turned down, also bolstered his career. He also adroitly handled the Civil Rights Act of 1957 by voting for final passage, but also earlier had voted for the jury trial amendment which would have made the Act quite ineffective (â€Å"John F. Kennedy†, 2005). Nikita Khrushchev was born in the village of Kalinovja, in what is now known as Kursk Oblast of the Russian Federation. He was originally trained and worked as a pipe fitter for a variety of mines, but it was during World War I, that Khrushchev's leadership would begin to emerge, as he began to be involved in trade union activities, following the Bolshevik revolution, in 1917. A year later, Krushchev became a Party member and held various management and Party positions in both Donbass and Kiev. In 1931, he transferred to Moscow, and four years later, he became 1st Secretary of the Moscow City Committee. In 1938, he was given the position of 1st Secretary of the Central Committee of the Ukranian Communist Party. Krushchev continued to work his way up the Party ladder and was a member of the Politburo from 1939 (â€Å"Nikita Khrushchev†, 2005). During the Second World War, Khruschev served as a political officer, holding a rank similar to Lieutenant General, in the United States. He coordinated the defense of the Ukraine and then was the senior political officer in the South of the Soviet Union throughout the war. Stalin's death in March of 1953 instigated a power struggle between several different factions within the Party. Khrushchev prevailed and became Party leader on September 7th, 1953 (â€Å"Nikita Khrushchev†, 2005). A Comparison of Kennedy Versus Khrushchev: Khrushchev was a powerful leader of Russia during a chaotic time. He immediately began to seek a course of reform, which was exemplified in his famous Secret Speech, that was given to the 20th Party Congress, in 1956. Khrushchev alienated himself from the more conservative members of his Party, speaking out against Stalin's actions, especially those crimes committed during the Great Purges (Khrushchev, 1956). This is in direct comparison to Kennedy's early leadership style. Kennedy too refused to simply do as the Democratic Party demanded. He often voted against Party lines, to the chagrin of traditional Liberals. Although both men would alienate themselves from some of their Party members, both would gain increased acceptance from more moderate Party members, and respect from many because of their willingness to do what they felt was right, not what was popular. Their dedication to their visionary leadership goals was a similarity, while their personal styles were in severe contrast. Khrushchev was often seen as uncivilized and boorish. He had a reputation for his significant temper and often resorted to interupting speakers to insult them. Khrushchev was known for pounding his fists on the table and shouting during a United Nations conference in 1960, and even taking off his shoe and pounding it violently on the table, when asked how he could oppose Western captilist imperialism given his actions to rapidly assimilate Eastern Europe (Khrushcheva, 2000). Whereas Kennedy grew up in a wealthy, refined family and would never have considered to resort to such measures to get his point across. Yet, both men were incredibly charismatic, able to eloquently express themselves and rally their citizens behind them in a call of patriotism. Although both men had significantly different styles, they were both able to manipulate the emotions of their citizens to secure their leadership position and accomplish tasks such as the development of space programs, that others afterwards were able to complete. Even today, Kennedy receives much of the credit for great steps that he only had a small part in, such as the Civil Rights Act, which was conceived by his brother Robert Kennedy, and implemented by Lyndon Johnson. Yet, because of their ability to lead, in a difficult time, both men will be remembered as powerful opposing leaders who had much in common.

Friday, August 16, 2019

My Decision to Pursue an MBA Degree

The decision to pursue a master’s degree these days is highly important due to the professionally competitive environment that we live in. Everyone has a bachelor’s degree but an MBA is a way to stay ahead from the rest, it sets you on a higher level. I chose to purse my MBA in order to further my career and have better opportunities. According to the â€Å"What’s my Jungian 16-type Personality? † assessment I have a possible career future as a manager, management trainer, stockbroker, lawyer, chemical engineer, police officer. I currently have a manager’s position inside a family owned company where there aren’t any more professional growth opportunities. In order for me to remain competitive in a very competitive job market I decide to pursue an MBA in Business Management without discarding the option of also including and MBA in Project Management as well. While searching for new jobs I have discovered that there are many positions for project managers. Some of the qualities mentioned in these job postings are that the person has to be visionary, responsible, have leadership qualities, organized, and so on. According to the results of the â€Å"What’s my Jungian 16-type Personality? † assessment I am outgoing, visionary, argumentative, have a low intolerance for incompetence, and often seen as a natural leader; so I believe I have what it takes to be a great project manager. Professional growth and/or advancement opportunities are a very important part of my decision to pursue an MBA. I was feeling stuck and unable to move forward with my career goals, but I believe that with a higher level of education I can achieve those goals. Fresh out of college I thought I had my life planned out but it was all based on me having an awesome job in a place I liked and doing what I like and what I know I’m good at. But that didn’t work out so well. So I found myself stuck at my part time job which was supposed to be only a temporary thing while I was in college. I don’t want to be one of those people who look back on their life and wonder where the time went and why didn’t they do something to change it. Although sometimes I feel frustrated and that I’m getting nowhere, I know I’m doing the right thing and I just need to hang in there. While it took me some time to actually get up and do something about it, here I am, ready to take on this MBA and land that job I am looking for.

Donald Trump Essay

Trump's early years are a major part of what has made him successful in the past and in the present Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in the city of Queens, New York into the family of Frederick C. And Mary McLeod Drum p. His father, Frederick C. Trump was a realest developer and builder. He owned multiple middle income apartment buildings in Queens. Dona's mom was a plinth rapist, working with different charities. Donald Trump was an energetic and assertive e child and according to the site Biography. Com â€Å"His parents sent him to the New York MilitaryAcademy, hoping the discipline would help channel his energy in a positive m inner. † Trump was very successful in the academy, in both social and academic aspect TTS. In Biography. Com it continues to states that â€Å"Trump did well academically and socially, rising to be star athlete and student leader by the time he graduated in 1964 Trump's efforts and work in the business world have made him the extremely we althy man he is today. He is currently worth currently is 4$ Billion, and owns multiple realest properties.He also owns many hotels, restaurants, c salons, ND even various golf courses in the United states as well as internationally. T rump also hosts the reality Television show ‘The Celebrity Apprentice†. These properties, realest investments and his successful TV show would not have been poss. able if it were not for his hard work during his younger years in business. His massive f retune and wealth were acquired through hard work, connections, as well as his exec Lent knowledge Of the business world. Trump began his career working in the fame business, the Trump organization, which built and operated apartment build nags.Trump later moved to Manhattan, where he began expanding his business career be cause he became convinced of the economic opportunity there. Trump involved himself fin various building projects and opportunities in the city that would earn him high pr ofit s and recognition. Trump's personality and attitude are some of the defining factors that make him a very notable businessman, entrepreneur, and celebrity today. Trump's charisma and charm have helped him in his career as well. His charisma and personality as well as knowledge and communication skills are key to his such as.Donald Trump's interpersonal abilities are key to making connections in the b equines world and to achieve personal success. His ability to combine business knoll edge and Mr. Frangible great communication skills would seem to be one of the main factors that were e beneficial in becoming the successful businessman that he is. Trump's wealth, knowledge, and personality are a part of his major success. His wealth and success will leave behind a legacy and is an example of the economic opportunity in the United States.He would continually â€Å"set high tankards of excellence while expanding his interests in real estate, sports an d entertainment† Biogra phy-asp). Donald J. Trump has been a success in his personal life as well as in his professional and busing sees life. His entrepreneurial skills and his savvy knowledge and assertive skills put him In a successful pathway leaving a legacy and example of the economic opportunity y in the United States.